Come and rejoice! Let us exult and give the glory to Him!

Revelation 19:7

We hold the faith which is common to all the believers (Titus 1:4).

We are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and meet together as the church in Normal, Illinois. We hold the faith that is revealed in the Bible and is common to all genuine believers. We warmly welcome all guests and visitors.

Our Gatherings

We have worship meetings on Sunday, prayer meetings on Monday, and small group gatherings in homes throughout the week for reading the Bible, singing, and fellowship. We warmly invite you to join us!

"When I met the brothers and sisters in the church, I felt very much at home."


"The brothers and sisters love the Lord and I long to love the Lord as much as they do."


"Praise the Lord! The church with all the brothers and sisters is my home."


"I learned to enjoy the Lord and live with Him every day."


"The members were happy to receive me and invite me over for fellowship."


"What a privilege to run the heavenly race with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart!"


"The Lord is seeking a built-up body of believers and has blessed me by placing me with other seeking believers to be built up with"


"This is the place where my personal walk with God has deepened and my heart broadened for the members of Christ's Body"


"I am so thankful for these past four years, the Lord has blessed my time in college here through the constant love and care from the saints."


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